Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Who's the grown up here?

Katie has been having bad dreams about a rhino eating her. That might sound odd unless you've watched the movie James and the Giant Peach. Good movie, but does have a somewhat scary scene with this rhino. She's had this dream four or five times now over the course of a month. What's odd is that she saw the movie months and months ago and is just now starting to have the dreams.

This morning I told her that I thought we should draw a picture of a rhino tonight and then cut it up into little bits so it goes away forever. My "mature" daughter said, "No we should cut him out and play with him." "Ah, so when you see him in your dreams he'll want to play with you, huh?" She's a smart cookie.


Libby said...

Good try, anyway...

kimmyk said...

Aw...she is a smart cookie!

Sorry she's having bad son when he was little went through night terrors..they sucked..10 years later and I still remember 'em....

Anonymous said...

She is such an amazing little thing! I really just don't know where that child came from!

Anonymous said...

Funny, I was just thinking of renting that movie for Cheyanne & Camden. Mary, that Katie is always thinking. I hope she gets over her bad dreams. Rebecca, I had to laugh at your comment. Hmmmm, where did Katie come from?