Thursday, August 31, 2006

Finally some trip pictures

Not the best pic of Katie, but I thought it was a cool one of JC

This little goat was trying to eat Katie's hair.

Feeding the deer
Our little fisher girl
This guy wasn't moving for anyone.


kimmyk said...

she's getting so big and her hair is growing growing!

fishin huh? bless her heart. she's a daddy's girl isn't she?

Mary said...

Kimmy, she definitely is. Both growing and a daddy's girl! You have an uncanny knack for posting a comment just as I'm posting an entry. This is the second time in a row that you have posted a comment seconds before a new post was going up. Scary.

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! That's great you took the time out for her to experience "all that is cow".

Just a random blog exploration moment landed me at your site. Fun to do that sometimes because you never know where it will take you. Your's took me back to Chicago. Fun place.
: )