Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fieldtrip on Wednesday

I am taking Wednesday off to go on a field trip with Katie and her class. It involves a hayride. Did I mention I'm allergic to hay? I believe this child might end up killing me before the first frost can hit and save me. Actually, I really wanted to go on the field trip because Katie complained last year when I wasn't being a room mom. Of course, this year I try to sign up to be a room mom and my child leaves the form in her desk and never turns it in. I just can't win.


Anonymous said...

I'ts probably just straw anyway,take some benadryl before you go,the chigger bites will probably be worse than the stuffy head and itchy eyes.

You might encounter chiggers in any number of environments, but they are especially concentrated in damp areas with a lot of vegetation. They are attracted to concealed, moist conditions on hosts, too, so they tend to attach to skin under tight clothing, such as socks and underwear, or in concealed areas of the body, such as the groin and the armpits. One way to decrease the chance of chigger bites is to wear loose clothing when you're in the woods or other infested areas. You should also take a shower as soon as you get home from an outdoor expedition, to remove any chiggers before they attach to your skin.

One commonly known remedy for chigger bites is to apply nail polish to reduce itchiness. This does not kill the chigger or treat the bite in any way. It simply seals the area off from the air, which keeps the sore from itching so badly. If you want to apply something to relieve itching, it's much better to use a salve or cream that contains antihistamines (Caladryl or hydrocortisone salves are the most common). Like nail polish, these treatments will seal the bite from the surrounding air, but they will also help to prevent infection. If the welts continue to irritate you for more than a couple of weeks, they might be infected and you should see a doctor.

Benadryl,tissue,clear nail polish,good luck with that.

Mary said...

um, thanks?

Anonymous said...

Ok, in response to all the posts, I LOVE THAT SHE'S MAD AT THE FISH! That is just soooooooo funny! I'll be interested to see what happens there. Time for you to start taking shots again. I seriously think she is trying to see just what your allergies will handle. That's too funny (of course, I'm sure you don't see it that way!)

Anonymous said...

I think Katie is trying to toughen you up Mary. If all those allergy shots you had to take when you were a kid didn't do the job, Katie will. Let's see, what else can she test your allergies with? I just went on a field trip with Camden to a pumpkin farm. Guess what? He ran off on me in the corn maze and got lost. Of course I did find him. I think I was more scared than he was. BTW, I loved the chalk drawing.

Anonymous said...

Debbie that little boy sure does love to run! He is QUITE the energetic little bugger. No wonder you stay so skinny!

Mary said...

Debbie, those mazes can be a little scary for us parents! JC and I took Katie through a maze that the kids went through and ended up on a slide to get out. JC was waiting by the side and I started following her because she looked a little nervous. I lost sight of her and was just thinking, there's other people in this maze, how do I know there isn't a nut case in here. I caught up with her, but them being out of your sight when they are little is NOT fun.