Friday, November 04, 2005

Hoo boy - Can you say Drama Queen?

She created this pose herself so I'm told.


jules said...

Ah, I know that pose well. See it often on the playground. "Spiderman, come rescue me." Tell her to be the superhero, not the damsel in distress

Mary said...

Jules, she actually plays both parts. I get "I'm a superhero!" alot. She was spider"woman" for Halloween last year. :)

Although she is does a good damsel in distress too...

Libby said...

Aaaaahhhh...the next sleeping beauty...hollywood can stop their search now!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

kimmyk said...

bless her little dramatic heart!!!

when she tosses her hand to her brow and cries out for her prince charming-i'd start gettin worried and lock her in her room...til she's 20.

Anonymous said...

I'm telling ya, get her in acting classes now. She could make you alot of money!!!! Only problem is, she'd never get a job since she would be telling the director what SHE wants to do!