Thursday, January 05, 2006

Uh Oh...Libby we may have a run for our Queenship here

JC and I were putting Katie to bed tonight and she yelled "pillow fight"! So we began smacking each other with pillows. This continues for a few minutes amid her screaming and laughing. Then she yells "Peace!" (I guess that means truce?), I put my pillow down and she smacks me with hers!

I think she's going to be inheriting my other blog.


Anonymous said...

Now that's actually kind of funny! Maybe peace meant she was after a piece of you! ha ha ha

Libby said...

oh, mary....I'm gonna have to let you fight your own fight with her (i.e.-you're her mom, you can spank & pull rank. i'm a stranger (yeah, i AM strange, I hafta admit...), which means...I'M SCARED OF HER, WOULDN'T YOU BE??

Gary said...

You tell stories very well, and that's my favorite thing on a blog.

Mikki Marshall said...

I can't believe that you fell for the oldest trick in the book! Come On!!! Oh Mary...