Thursday, December 08, 2005

Ta Da!

Can we all say "AAAwwwww" together? And can you see? She just didn't like him at all. NOT!


Mary said...

Who says she's sleeping?

Anonymous said...

Gee I don't see Tigger or Roo. Didn't they want to get in the picture too.


Mary said...

Dad! You figured out how to comment! And, no Roo and Tigger wanted nothing to do with the little guy. Although Roo spent alot of time checking him out while he was sleeping. Coward. Tigger is calling all her friends looking for a new place to stay.

Anonymous said...

By the way what happened to your background.


Mary said...

I have no idea, I haven't had a chance to go through the code yet. (See November 12th post)

Weebs said...

Now What Do I Do. By the way what's the little guys name.

Libby said...

add my AAAWWWWWWWW in there too!!, please!!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Huw said...

Gosh - that just might be the cutest couple of photos shown in quick succession ever.