Friday, August 29, 2008

Brief word to FFs

I know some of my FF friends read the blog so I wanted to say good-bye but please keep in touch. I tried to say good-bye before I left but the site and I weren't agreeing about my wanting to share my email address. So, I'm locked out of sending messages or, even replying to posts at the moment, but if they let me back on I'll try to say my good-byes.

Love ya!

EDITED TO ADD: I'm officially completely off of FF. I wasn't able to get back on, just cancel my membership.

I will get back to our regularly scheduled program shortly! Promise!


Dawn said...

I am so sorry that FF blocked you out. They are bad about that! I have your blog on my Google Reader, so I will stay on top of up pf your progress. What was the issue with FF? You tried to post your email?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am sorry to hear that you are leaving! We will miss you.

Mary said...

Thanks guys. I put my email in a couple PMs and they had a problem with that. I did tell them that I thought it was a bit harsh that while their site brings about close friendships, when someone feels the need to leave the site, they try to stop the relationship from continuing.

That's okay, if they unblock me, I'll just post and tell everyone to contact me through the blog, if you go to my profile you can get my email from there. They let you have your blogs in your signature, so I guess that will work.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mary! That's so goofy! They are bad about that. I will have to save your blog addy so that I can keep up with you! Take care of yourself & your little girl! You will be GREATLY missed.

Libby said...

mary, it'll be okay...we're still here! no, i guess we're not the same...but...we luvya more than they do, anyway! not the other bloggers, but the admin's

Mary said...

I've got to say, my view of them has drastically changed with the way they handled the situation.

One less website I have to frequent on a daily basis. Good thing too since I found Facebook. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey Mary! Thats crazy that they wouldn't let you post your e-mail address! Honestly! I'm on facebook (Kirsten Cassidy) and I'm the only one in France. Hope you're well, we miss you. Jen's PG!

Mary said...

Kirsten! I'm so glad you dropped by, I sent you a notification to add you as a friend in Facebook. I know Jen is pg, I could see it, but I couldn't reply!!! Please tell her how happy I am for her if she doesn't drop by and see for herself - if she does... CONGRATULATIONS JEN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary - What a bummer about FF... I wanted to stop by and wish you luck on your adoption journey! I'll try to keep up - I'm also on Facebook but am a total rookie! So much so that I'm not sure what info to give you for you to find me or for me to find you... lol So my real name is Guyanne Hall (maybe you can find me that way too...), but you know me as Frenchy. Let me know if you need more info from
Take care and again I hope your adoption journey is very short!