Sunday, September 04, 2005

Hearing my words... out of her mouth

Okay, so Katie and I are playing today and she decides that we're going to do some role reversal. I am now the daughter. She's done this before but today she put me in time out - I swear I didn't do nuthin'! Then when I started giggling I heard out of her mouth - "It's not funny, I am not laughing!" Which, of course, made me laugh harder. I'm in BIG trouble. The last thing that she said is "You are SO grounded!". Okay, now she's getting ahead of me - I haven't grounded her yet!
By the way, Dad, not sure I can make it tomorrow, I might not be allowed out of the house yet. Crying


Libby said...

Mary...this is PRICELESS!! thanks for sharing it!!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Weebs said...
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Weebs said...
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Weebs said...

Maybe if you said you were sorry and promised to be good she'll let you come to Nana & Papa's house tomorrow.