Thursday, October 27, 2005

Lots of Stuff Going On

I opened Katie's Halloween costume last night and found out that the size 4 that I ordered was actually a size 7/8. Can you say uh oh? I am not a talented seamstress, but I can baste. Which is what I ended up doing to the sleeves of the shirt. I had to cut 6-7 inches off the pants! She is going as Jesse, the cowgirl from Toy Story II and has Bullseye, Woody's horse, as an addition to her costume. She had to wear her costume to pre-school today so I had emergency sewing to do last night.
I wasn't home when she got dressed up, but I know that pictures were taken so I'll post them later tonight. She wasn't allowed to take Bullseye with her to school, we reserving him for Halloween. Pictures including him will come later. But I think that Bullseye will be around for a while, she loved being able to get into Bullseye and run around the house pretending to be a horse. Which is a break for me since she's usually a T-Rex or bear. T-Rex 2


Christine said...

Of course the mommy blog comment wasn't about yours. This one's special.
One complaint if I may, the color of your font is hard for my tired ole eyes. Can you make it darker?

Mary said...

I will do my best!

kimmyk said...

my daughter abbie was Jesse when she was about 5 I think. Cutest damn thing I ever saw.

This year she's going as a gothic school girl.

Complete 360 huh? I can't wait to see the pics. I hope she had a great time at school !

And what a good mommy to stay up sewing...

Libby said...

...remember to tell her what to yell!!
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

And then next year comes and she says, "No, Mom, I TOLD you I am now a Princess!!"

Mary said...

Libby! She's 4, if she yells THAT I'll have a heart attack. LMAO

Apparently she had a good time, she came home with quite a bit of candy. Kimmy, I'm sure that goth is definitely in my future, judging by Katie's interests.

And Hoss, she originally wanted to be a princess, but she's so picky with material she wouldn't wear any of the dresses! She's a high maintenance princess!

Anonymous said...

A high maintenance princess? That is too funny!!!! Where did this child come from?

Mary said...

Um, Becky, you were there, remember?

Anonymous said...

We are awfully sarcastic this morning aren't we????? :) BTW, nice response to my other comment. Who's the older sister????