Sunday, October 09, 2005

This is one of our cats, Roo. Tigger would absolutely not subject herself to this humiliation. Roo, on the other hand, well, let's just say he's special. A little on the dim side. By the way, in the first picture, that's a tissue that Katie is holding in her hand. Apparently Roo had a cold that day too.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA! Those pictures made me laugh so hard. Now I have coffee all over my keyboard!

Poor Kitty ;-)

Anonymous said...

Now that is just a riot! I love your "PC" description of Roo. I agree, he's very "special". :)

OldHorsetailSnake said...

"Dim" is a good name for a cat. Cats do not look anything like kangaroos.

TLP said...

Aw...She is so ADORABLE! And so is Roo. I love a dim cat. Once had a very delightful dim kitty.

Libby said...

okay mary, i know i can't have katie...but can i have roo??
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Mary said...

Dani - sorry about your keyboard.:)

Hoss - you are right, but there's a big Winnie the Pooh thing going on in our house so he got stuck with a Kangaroo's name. My other cat is named Tigger.

Libby - let me think about it. Maybe. :D